CMA consults on records management merger undertakings
The CMA is consulting on undertakings offered by Iron Mountain Inc to remedy competition concerns arising from its merger with Recall.

Iron Mountain and Recall both provide records management services, which comprise the storage and retrieval of paper and hard copy records, and physical offsite data protection services, which involve the storage and retrieval of data and media on tapes/discs.
On 16 June, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) announced that Iron Mountain would have to sell Recall’s existing operations in Aberdeen and Dundee, known as C21 Data Services, in order to preserve competition.
Iron Mountain has agreed to offer undertakings to sell the entire share capital of C21 Data Services to a buyer to be approved by the CMA. The CMA now invites written comments from interested parties.
Anyone wishing to respond to the CMA consultation should do so in writing, no later than 5pm on 25 August to or by post to:
Remedies Manager
Iron Mountain/Recall Merger Inquiry
Competition and Markets Authority
Victoria House
Southampton Row
London WC1B 4AD
The notice of proposal to accept final undertakings and all other information relating to this investigation can be found on the case page.