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CNC and social media – have you joined the conversation?

Did you know the CNC is now followed by over 35,600 people across our various social media accounts?

CNC on on social media

Did you know the CNC is now followed by over 35,600 people across our various social media accounts?

As well as our Facebook and YouTube pages, we also have 16 Twitter accounts. These are run and updated by operational officers and staff at our 10 Operational Policing Units and various other departments, including Firearms Training, Operational Support and Development and our Dog Unit.

If you are looking to learn about life at a particular location, then following the Twitter account for that area will give you a real flavour of the role and the local community. If you live in an area close to one of our sites, your local account will also show you what our officers and staff are doing to keep your community safe.

As a national police force with a counter terrorism focus, our social media accounts help us spread the word of the exceptional work of our officers and staff. If you don’t already follow one of our accounts, why not join the conversation and sign up to follow one today?

If you haven’t had a look at our social media accounts, search for Civil Nuclear Constabulary on Facebook or YouTube or follow one of our Twitter accounts: @NuclearPolice; @CNCDounreay, @CNCDungeness, @CNCHartlepool, @CNCHarwell, @CNCHeyshamOPU, @CNCHinkleyPoint, @CNCHunterston, @CNC_Sellafield, @CNCSizewell, @CNCTorness, @CNC_OSD, @CNCPride, @CNCFirearmsDept, @CNCLearn, @CNCDogs

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Published 9 January 2020