News story

CNPA Chairman Sir Philip Trousdell visits Dungeness

Sir Philip Trousdell visited the newly opened EDF visitors centre at Dungeness which is also open to members of the public.

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School children meet cnc officers in classroom

The Chairman of the Civil Nuclear Police Authority Sir Philip Trousdell visited Dungeness last week, where he met officers and had a tour of the visitors centre. He was pleased to hear that Civil Nuclear Constabulary officers were working alongside EDF staff to make the visit informative and engaging, especially for youngsters.

Children from Lydd Primary School were among the first to benefit, learning more about the CNC and its role at the site. They were at the EDF Energy visitor centre to learn about nuclear power generation and also met with CNC officers.

School children sat in police vehicle waving

Insp Mike Wilkinson of the CNC said:

The youngsters not only learnt how electricity is generated but were able to understand about the work we do. We work closely with EDF Energy to ensure the safety and security of the site and speaking with the local children and the wider public is an excellent opportunity to help understand why we are here and what we do.

The visitor centre at Dungeness B is used to actively engage with local school children. Classes can tour the power station free of charge as well as learn about nuclear energy through the interactive exhibitions. The visitor centre is open to the public Monday – Friday from 9am – 4pm. Members of the public can also tour the power station by appointment. Form more information please visit the EDF Energy website.

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Published 7 July 2014