CNC Officers and Staff Commended by Chief Constable and Divisional Commanders
16 Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC) officers and members of police staff were commended last week at a ceremony held by the Chief Constable in Cumbria.

The officers and staff were honoured with a number of different awards, including two Certificates of Service; seven Long Service and Good Conduct Awards, and seven Divisional Commander commendations.
The Divisional Commander commendations were received by a range of officers and police staff for their work in a number of different areas. Ch Insp Mike Caley, Insp Keith Atkinson and Insp Barry Parker all received commendations for their hard work, commitment and enthusiasm in managing the delivery of a number of escort operations with the Strategic Escort Group (SEG) throughout 2015 to 2016. The three officers performed their roles to the highest standards, setting an example to their teams. The CNC received favourable comments from partners about its professionalism and there is no doubt that the standards set by these officers have helped ensure the successful delivery of these operations.
Ch Insp Peter Robinson was commended for making a significant professional contribution towards improving operational capability at the EDF sites where CNC are based through the Managed Response Solution project. Over an extended period, Peter demonstrated commitment, enthusiasm and professionalism to the project. His personal contribution has helped to deliver the CNC Mission and enhance the reputation and strengthen confidence in the organisation through partnership working with EDF and the Office for Nuclear Regulation.
Police staff members Karen Seath and Alison Barber were both commended for their work on two integral CNC systems. Karen’s role involves the coordination and management of firearms training records and duty planning systems. In addition to this she is a member of the Firearms Senior Leadership Team (SLT) as a key advisor to the Force Firearms Officer and other colleagues. Karen operates at a level far beyond what is expected of her, whilst being gracious and supportive to others; she is a true credit to the CNC, and a natural leader. Alison has continued to work very hard in her role as a project manager to deliver a vitally important and sensitive communications project to support the complexity of CNC operations. Alison’s efforts have been specifically recognised by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), which said: “Alison has been incredibly positive and supportive throughout this project and also provided some valuable lessons learned that we are applying going forward.”
Sgt Marc Easterbrook was commended for his ongoing work to ensure the CNC is prepared for national contingency operations in case of a major incident or terrorist attack which might necessitate CNC officers being deployed. He worked hard and beyond what was expected to create plans, to brief officers and commanders, and to build relationships with those stakeholders whose cooperation and support are vital ingredients for our success. Marc is formally commended for his selfless commitment to duty and the manner in which he undertook the role.
Inspector Allan Macrae and PC Ian Johnstone received Certificates of Service on their retirement. Allan joined CNC in December 2006 after a successful 30 year career with Strathclyde Police, immediately taking up the position of Unit Commander at Hunterston Operational Policing Unit (OPU), where he remained until his retirement on 7 May 2017, clocking up an impressive career of over 40 years’ in public service. Ian joined the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Constabulary (UKAEAC) in 1982 and during his 35 years’ service has been an Authorised Firearms Officer (AFO), a supervisor, and an active and longstanding counter-terrorist search officer. Although he has retired from being a police officer, he will continue to work for the CNC in our duty planning team.

Seven police officers received Long Service and Good Conduct Medals from the Chief Constable. The medal was instituted under Royal Warrant by King George VI in 1951 and is awarded as a mark of the Sovereign’s appreciation of long and meritorious service rendered by members of the police forces of the United Kingdom. For an officer to become eligible for this award the Chief Constable must make a recommendation to the Home Secretary, confirming the officers has served for a minimum of 20 years and that their character has been very good during their service. The seven officers receiving their medal were:
- Supt Graham Shaw, OUC at Sellafield
- Sgt Adam Anderson-Cole, Firearms Instructor
- Sgt Laura Forster, Force Dogs Officer
- PC Tina Ferris, Firearms Instructor
- PC Neil Henderson, Dog Instructor
- PC Michael Livesey, SEG Firearms Instructor
- PC Ben Strain, Firearms Instructor

Chief Constable Mike Griffiths said: “It was an absolute pleasure to meet such a committed group from a wide range of disciplines and specialities across the CNC. I was hugely impressed with what they had achieved during their CNC careers, from those who will remain with us for many years to come and those who have completed their careers and are looking forward to a well-earned retirement. All have contributed to making the CNC what it is today.
“I would also like to congratulate all those who received commendations, which reflect their outstanding commitment in their current appointments. They set an excellent example to all of the very best of the organisation and they have made a real difference through their professionalism and hard work.”