CNC officers commended by Chief Constable and divisional commanders
Thirteen CNC employees were congratulated on their successes at a presentation evening last month.

Thirteen CNC employees were congratulated on their successes at a presentation evening last month.
The 11 officers and two police staff members received commendations at a presentation evening held by Chief Constable Mike Griffiths on Thursday 26 November for a wide range of achievements including recent promotions, three meritorious commendations and a certificate of service for one officer who was retiring after 33 years’ service with the CNC.
PC John Kelly (pictured below), a dog handler based at Sellafield, received his commendation after being nominated by a colleague from Cumbria Constabulary. PC Kelly worked with Cumbria to help improve their training and advised on how to obtain official licences for their courses. The nomination stated that, when providing help, “PC Kelly always does this in a professional and courteous manner and offers welcome advice regarding dog training. He quite clearly has a sound understanding of dog training coupled with a genuine enthusiasm that is a credit to him and the CNC dog section.” Ch Supt Phil Bishop, Capability Division Commander, said in PC Kelly’s commendation: “I commend John for his professional and personal contribution to the development of police dog training in the CNC, and for the way in which he acts as a strong ambassador for the CNC in the eyes of our specialist partners.”

Insp Tim Ferris (pictured below), based at FTU North, was commended for his work over the last 18 months leading the Firearms Compliance Team. He led the team during the College of Policing licensing inspection and received praise for the College on his innovative work. His focus on non-deployable officers and returning them to duty was also noteworthy. His commendation from Ch Supt Bishop noted that: “Tim’s part in the strong partnership that exists between the Capability Division and both Operations Divisions is acknowledged by those who work with him. I commend Tim for his focus and sustained hard work over an extended period of time, and for his valued contribution to the CNCs efficiency and effective performance.”

Ch Insp Lynne Blackburn (pictured top left of press release) was commended for taking on the role of OUC at Sellafield for nine and a half months, a challenging role she took on at short notice. In her commendation, Lynne was thanked by Ch Supt Worsell for showing great leadership and personal resilience. He said: “I formally commend Lynne for her selfless commitment to duty and the manner in which she undertook her temporary role; she went significantly beyond that which might be expected and acted in a manner which upholds the values and expectation which we all have of the police service.”
Chief Constable Mike Griffiths said: “I was proud to be able to honour the achievements of these 13 officers and staff members at the presentation evening and have the opportunity to thank them personally for their dedication to the Constabulary, as well as congratulate them on their achievements.
“It was a particular honour and pleasure to thanks PC Jack Graffin for his 33 years of service. He has seen a huge amount of change in his service and his commitment to his duties, his colleagues and the organisation is commendable. He retires to enjoy time with his family.
“This is the third presentation evening I have attended and it is so pleasing to see such a wide range of employees, including officers and staff of all ranks, who are committed to going above and beyond to support the CNC in delivering its mission.”