Commissioner appointed to the Judicial Appointments Commission
His Majesty The King, on the advice of the Lord Chancellor, has approved the appointment of one Commissioner to the Judicial Appointments Commission.

His Majesty The King, on the advice of the Lord Chancellor, has appointed Deputy Senior District Judge Tanweer Ikram CBE DL as a judicial Commissioner of the Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC) for a tenure of 3 years from 14 December 2023.
The JAC is an independent body that selects candidates for judicial office in courts and tribunals in England and Wales, and for some tribunals with UK-wide jurisdiction. Candidates are selected on merit, through fair and open competition.
JAC Commissioners are appointed, under Schedule 12(1) of the Constitutional Reform Act 2005, by His Majesty The King on the recommendation of the Lord Chancellor. Commissioner appointments comply with the provisions of the Judicial Appointment Commission Regulations 2013.
Appointed the Deputy Senior District Judge (Chief Magistrate) in 2017, previously District Judge (Magistrates’ Courts) in 2009. He also served as an Associate Judge on the Sovereign Base Area of Episkopi & Dhekelia (Cyprus). He was Called to the Bar in 1990 and now a Bencher at Inner Temple. He was also admitted a solicitor in 1993. In 2004, he was appointed Deputy Lead Diversity & Community Relations Judge where he leads 150 judges engaged in diversity work. In 2022, he was awarded CBE for services to judicial diversity.