Committed to enhancing our services – the first in a series of customer help videos launched
Guidance video which provides helpful information you might need if claiming for compensation under either the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme or the War Pension Scheme.

Claiming for Compensation - Armed Forces Compensation Scheme and War Pension Scheme
Earlier this year, we began our campaign to demonstrate how we are committed to enhancing our services and continuously improving after listening to feedback from our end users. The first helpful tool we published was the Customer Journey Maps, and as a continuation of this we have produced a bite-size video, the first of a series, which provides advice on what you need to know before making a claim for compensation. The aim is to help simplify and guide you through the claims process and by giving answers to common queries.
If this is your first claim we would recommend watching this video and then taking a look at our Customer Journey Maps, so that you know what to expect from the claims process.
We are in the process of developing more targeted bite-size videos, which will provide more detail and guidance on the AFCS, WPS and Appeals process.
Make sure you bookmark the Veterans UK GOV.UK landing page to keep up to date as the videos will be published later in the year as part of this series.
Claiming for Compensation: Armed Forces Compensation Scheme and War Pension Scheme
We are also modernising our services and looking forward to providing more digitally enabled ways for individuals and their representatives to make a claim, monitor its progress, and stay in touch with us. We will keep you informed of these improvements as they develop, via this and other channels.
You can also follow us on Facebook @modveteransuk and Twitter @VeteransUK_MOD.