Communities interns tell Nick Clegg their ideas for the future
Interns working at the Department for Communities and Local Government meet the Deputy Prime Minister.

The importance of the youth voice in shaping future communities was emphasised after young interns presented their inspiring and creative ideas to the Deputy Prime Minister.
In a meeting attended by Communities ministers Greg Clark and Andrew Stunell, Aisha Bi, from the British Youth Council, highlighted the work of her and her fellow interns in the Department to engage more young people in their local communities.
Since January 3 young interns, Aisha Bi, Catriona Duncan and Fahim Ahmed have been working with officials and ministers in the department and offering their unique insight on the development of policy. The interns are on placement within the department through the British Youth Council which works to empower young people across the country to have their say.
Decentralisation Minister Greg Clark said:
“Working with the interns has been illuminating and their determined approach is an inspiration to other young people.
“Across the country thousands of young people are raring to have their voices heard and get more involved in the development of their communities.
“It makes sense that government, rather than constraining young people, listens to their expertise and unique insight, empowering them to ensure that local services suit the needs of their local communities.”
Communities Minister Andrew Stunell said:
“We believe in driving power down to communities, the people are the boss and they are best placed to decide what is needed in their local area. Rather than telling young people what to do and how to do it we are asking them what stands in their way and helping them to do something about it.
“The impressive achievements of the young interns in the department are further proof that young people have the ambition, enthusiasm and ideas to make a positive difference to their communities when given the opportunity.”
Aisha Bi said:
“If you listen out young people have a lot of really great ideas about involving their friends and changing their communities. I am proud of my work at the department and I genuinely feel that as a young person my voice is being heard. Meeting the Deputy Prime Minister and highlighting some barriers that put some young people off getting involved has been the icing on the cake, if not a little nerve wracking! More and more people my age should feel motivated to get involved knowing that their ideas can turn into real action.”