Company Names Tribunal hearing
The following hearing has been scheduled to take place before the Company Names Tribunal at 9:30am on 8 January 2015.

Hearing details
Company registration numbers: 07610469 / 08192988 / 07610662.
In the names of: Tesla Cars (UK) Ltd, Tesla Motors Europe Ltd and Tesla Cars Europe Ltd.
Application Numbers: 606, 607 and 608.
Applicant: Tesla Motors, Inc.
Adjudicators: Mr. O. Morris, Mr. M. Bryant and Mrs. J. Pike.
To be held at 9.30am on Thursday 8 January 2015 at:
First floor
Abbey Orchard Street,
Court Room 1.10
Applicant: Baker & McKenzie LLP.
Respondents: Tesla Cars (UK) Ltd, Tesla Motors Europe Ltd and Tesla Cars Europe Ltd.