World news story

Conflict Stability and Security Fund: call for project proposals for 2015-2016 in Ukraine

Funding opportunities for projects in the areas of peacebuilding and communications to address conflict and insecurity in Ukraine.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The call for proposals within the UK Conflict Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) is now closed.

There are two main components within this call for proposals:

  • Peacebuilding and Public Engagement
  • Information and Communications

Introduction to Peacebuilding and Public Engagement component

The UK Conflict Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) seeks applications from organisations with experience of working on conflict prevention and mitigation to undertake work that will contribute to strengthening citizens’ engagement in peacebuilding in Ukraine.

The overall goal of the Ukraine CSSF Programme is to strengthen the capacity of citizens and government to address conflict-generating issues in order to halt the downward spiral of conflict. This call for proposals seeks projects that will contribute to strengthening the capacity of civil society to prevent, mitigate or resolve crisis and conflict.

This call is for projects that will be implemented by mid March 2016. However, in addition to demonstrating impact within this timeframe, projects should also lay the foundation for further development in the medium term, either through UK or other donor funding.


The objective of the Peacebuilding and Public Engagement component of the Ukraine CSSF Programme is to develop the capacity of civil society to work cooperatively with government and partners to prevent, manage and respond to crisis and conflict. It will also seek to reduce tensions by improving dialogue and understanding between different groups in Ukraine. It will seek to engage with hard to reach groups, especially those living in conflict affected areas, in order to counter their marginalisation and vulnerability. Women and girls will be particular targets since they are both victims of the conflict and potential agents for change and reconciliation.


Proposals are invited for projects to strengthen the capacity of civil society to achieve one or more of the following results:

  • improve relations between communities in conflict, or potential conflict, with each other
  • decrease the isolation / marginalisation of those most affected by conflict, especially IDPs and communities in the Donbas
  • conflict prevention and resolution work in line with the ethos of UNSC Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women and Peace and Security, including to:
    • protect the rights of women and girls during and after conflict
    • promote and strengthen the role of women in peacebuilding
  • foster partnerships between citizens and government in addressing conflict-generating issues

Introduction to Information and Communications component

The UK Conflict Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) seeks applications from appropriately qualified organisations to undertake work that will contribute to improving communications as a means of addressing conflict, insecurity and instability in Ukraine.

The overall aim of the Ukraine CSSF Programme is to strengthen the capacity of citizens and government to address conflict-generating issues in order to halt the downward spiral of conflict.

This call for proposals seeks projects that will contribute to improving communication by government and non-governmental actors, including the media, in order to prevent, mitigate or resolve crisis and conflict.

Projects need to be implemented by mid March 2016. However, in addition to demonstrating impact within this timeframe, projects should also lay the foundation for further development in the medium term, either through UK or other donor funding.


The Information and Communications component of the Ukraine CSSF Programme is to improve communications as a means of countering disinformation and propaganda. The lack of accurate information and the propagation of harmful stereotypes is a significant driver of conflict. Areas of particular focus

  • developing the capacity of the Ukrainian government to design and implement a coherent communications strategy, reaching out to all parts of the population of Ukraine and to the international community
  • supporting civil society to develop successful campaigns projecting positive narratives about Ukraine
  • developing the ability of media outlets to report sensitive and controversial issues with accuracy and balance, with a greater understanding of the principles of conflict-sensitive reporting


Proposals are invited for projects that are focussed around one or more of the following:

  • support the Ukrainian government to increase its capacity to design and implement a coherent communications approach: strengthening and professionalising communications within government and improving communication with citizens
  • support civil society to promote positive narratives of issues related to Ukraine, including empowering communities to hold the government to account
  • improving the media landscape by ensuring sensitive and balanced reporting of flashpoint incidents and/or contentious issues, and strengthening independent media channels and outlets

Submission of proposals

All project proposals must meet the criteria set out above.

Most of the project proposals are expected to have budgets of between £200,000 and £500,000.

A limited number of grants will be made for projects with budgets of up to £25,000-50,000 that are designed to pilot new approaches or break new ground.

Proposals by international (non-Ukrainian) organisations must include a partnership with an appropriate Ukrainian partner.

All proposals should be submitted in the CSSF Project Proposal Form (MS Word Document, 139 KB), together with the Annex A - CSSF Project Activity Based Budget Template (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 20.9 KB), providing the breakdown of proposed project costs.

Submissions in other formats will not be considered.

Submit your proposal and budget by email to Please indicate the Programme’s component you are bidding to and the name of your organisation in the subject line eg “CSSF communications – name of your organisation” or “CSSF peacebuilding – name of your organisation”.

Please note that emails from accounts can be filtered by the system and not delivered to the above email.

The deadline for submissions is 5pm on 6 May 2015.

Evaluation of applications


A project proposal will be automatically rejected if

  • it is received after the deadline
  • the budget is not within the limits stated above
  • it is not submitted in English language in the correct templates
  • the organisation submitting the project is not eligible to work in Ukraine
  • in the case of an international (non-Ukrainian) organisation, if there is no Ukrainian partner

Evaluation criteria

Eligible applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

1. Significance and Relevance 40
How clearly is the project aligned with the CSSF objectives? 10
Is the project realistic: are the outputs clear and achievable within the lifetime of the project? 10
Are the expected results of the project sustainable? 10
Are the stakeholders (partners, beneficiaries etc) clearly defined? 5
Does the project provide added value, such as innovative approaches and/or models for good practice? 5
2. Methodology 20
Is the methodology clearly set out in the proposal? 10
Does the project provide a convincing ‘theory of change’ which demonstrates how the interventions proposed will achieve the project’s outputs and outcome? 10
3. Financial and operational capacity 30
Does the applicant have sufficient technical expertise (knowledge of the issues to be addressed)? 10
Does the applicant have sufficient management expertise, including experience of effective project implementation in the countries of the former Soviet Union and / or conflict affected countries? 10
Does the applicant have a sound record of financial management, supported by audit reports? 10
4. Value for money 10
Is the budget realistic and cost-effective? 5
Are the proposed expenditures essential for the implementation of the project’s activities? 5
Maximum total score 100


  1. The British Embassy Kyiv reserves the right to carry out due diligence of potential grantees, including seeking references, as part of the selection process.

  2. All potential grantees should familiarise themselves with the Implementing Partner Key Conditions (PDF, 210 KB, 2 pages) at Annex A to this call. These set out the basic terms of engagement. Potential grantees should ensure that they are able to meet these terms before submitting their proposal.

  3. Bidding is competitive and only selected projects will receive funding. The Embassy reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids without incurring any obligation to inform the affected applicant(s) of the grounds of such acceptance or rejection. Due to the volume of bids expected we will not be able to provide feedback on unsuccessful bids.

Updates to this page

Published 15 April 2015
Last updated 30 April 2015 + show all updates
  1. Smaller scale project proposals with budgets of up to £25,000-50,000 are also welcome under this Call.

  2. Added translation