Consultation on annual return 2023 concludes
The Charity Commission's response to the conclusion of the consultation on annual return 2023

Helen Stephenson, CEO of the Charity Commission said:
I am pleased that a wide range of charities and interested parties have engaged positively with our consultation on the annual return, and would like to thank all those who made time to have their say. The annual return is a vital tool, which helps us gather the data we need to regulate effectively, and which serves to widen public understanding of charities. We are now carefully reviewing the responses, and intend to publish an analysis of the consultation, along with the new annual return questions, later this year.
- The Commission received 460 responses, as of midnight 01/09/2022. 54% of respondents were acting on behalf of their charity and included both trustees and employees; 38% of respondents were trustees sharing their personal view on the consultation topics.
- The consultation ran from 9 June to 1 September 2022.
- Overall, the tone of engagement was positive. Early analysis of the feedback received indicates areas requiring further thought to help ensure the Commission gathers data in a way that is straightforward, and relevant to charities regardless of their purpose and the type of work they do.
- The Commission is now analysing responses, and will publish a consultation response towards the end of the year.
- The Annual Return is an online form that all charities with yearly incomes of £10,000 or more must complete within 10 months of the end of their financial reporting period. Further background about the annual return, and the proposed changes for 2023, can be viewed on the Commission’s website.