Costs of £17k awarded to the Environment Agency following extension of restriction order in Sheffield
A Sheffield waste operator has been issued with a further restriction order at its waste site to prevent it from accepting and managing waste.

The order was issued at Sheffield Magistrates court on 23rd May, for a period of six months for the site at 63-65 Worthing Road, Sheffield, which is the operating site of M White Skips Ltd.
The District Judge also ordered costs in the sum of £17,199.48, half against the company M White Skips Ltd and half against Mr James White, aged 47 years, to be paid to the Environment Agency which brought the case.
The Environment Agency first blocked access to the site in Sheffield in February this year to prevent it from accepting and managing more waste.
The court order prohibits anyone from entering or depositing waste on the site to reduce the risk and impact on the local community and the environment.
This case has been the first time the powers have been used in Yorkshire.
Jacqui Tootill, South Yorkshire Area Environment Manager at the Environment Agency said:
The extension of this restriction order prevents any further waste from being dumped or treated at the site.
We continue to inspect the site regularly and work with partners to ensure this order is complied with and we continue to work towards clearing the site. We will take further enforcement action if necessary and continue to investigate the alleged offending linked to the activities at this site.
The Court heard at an earlier hearing from an Environment Agency Environmental Crime Officer and an Officer of South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service that the condition of the site was such that it posed a risk of serious pollution to the environment and serious harm to human health, and a restriction order was necessary.
The Environment Agency is working alongside South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service in the ongoing criminal investigation into activities at the site.
The new restriction order will remain in force until 22 November 2023.