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Crime news: 2017 Standard Crime Contract forms and guidance

New versions of legal aid paper forms and guidance documents published.

A number of application and claim paper forms have been updated ready for the 2017 Standard Crime Contract taking effect on 1 April 2017.

The changes are minor in nature, and in the main are concerned with ensuring forms reflect the move from the 2010 contract. The forms affected are:

  • CRM2: apply for advice and assistance – awaiting police interview
  • CRM7: non-standard fee magistrates’ court claim and appeal form
  • CRM14: criminal legal aid application form (English and Welsh versions)
  • AF1: claim for advocate graduated fees
  • LF3: apply for an interim litigator fee claim (online and offline versions)
  • LAC1: guidance for completion of committal form for directed Crown Court cases

Where a form is also available as an eForm, an updated version was made available in February. You should note that use of the CRM14 eForm is mandatory in all circumstances for legal aid providers holding a crime and/or civil contract.

The CRM14 paper form is made available for use only by providers who have neither a crime or civil legal aid contract to submit applications for criminal legal aid in civil contempt cases. This is the only exception to using the eForm.

Transitional arrangements for forms

Forms signed and dated on/after 1 April 2017 must be on the new version of the form. The new version of the form must not be used where the form is signed and dated before 1 April 2017.

Guidance documents

New versions of relevant guidance documents are also now available. The Guidance for Reporting Crime Lower Work has been updated to include relevant 2017 Standard Crime Contract References.

The Criminal Legal Aid Manual has also been updated to include relevant 2017 Standard Crime Contract References.

We have also made some minor updates to the Crown Court Fee Guidance.

Further information

Legal aid forms – to download the new versions of forms

Standard crime contract 2017 – for information about the 2017 Standard Crime Contract

CWA codes guidance – to view Guidance for Reporting Crime Lower Work

Criminal Legal Aid Manual – to view manual

Updates to Crown Court fee guidance – for details of changes to Crown Court fee guidance

Updates to this page

Published 31 March 2017