News story

Crime news: change of address for cost judge appeals

New address from 11 September 2017 for notices of appeals to a cost judge for graduated fee scheme work.

Advocates and litigators should use a new address from 11 September for notices of appeals to a cost judge relating to graduated fee scheme work.

Your appeal papers should in future go to this address instead of the graduated fee team in Nottingham:

Central Legal Team
7th Floor, Zone C (7.39)
Legal Aid Agency
102 Petty France

Notices already sent to Nottingham will be forwarded to Petty France.

What the regulations say

These appeals are covered by the Criminal Remuneration Regulations. Advocates and litigators are allowed to challenge a redetermination decision on their fees under the Graduated Fee Scheme to a cost judge.

Regulations 29(3) and 29(4) require the appellant to serve a copy of the notice of appeal and any relevant supporting documents on the LAA.

In cases where electronic evidence is in dispute this would include a copy of the disc(s) or USB(s) containing the evidence being claimed for.

Updates to this page

Published 6 September 2017