News story

Crime news: interim payments and cracked trial fee changes go live

Interim payments for the Litigator Graduated Fee Scheme and cracked trial fee changes for advocates and litigators introduced.

Two further changes to criminal legal aid were introduced on 2 October 2014, as part of the Legal Aid Transformation (LAT) programme.

The new interim payments for the Litigator Graduated Fee Scheme (LGFS) and cracked trial fee changes for advocates and litigators take immediate effect, having had Parliamentary approval.

We previously told you on 11 September 2014 and reminded you on 24 September 2014 about the availability of training on these changes. This will help you understand the changes and ensure that they work for you.

That information can be accessed via the legal aid provider training website. Full details of the training and how to log in can be found below.

Further information

LGFS interim payments and cracked trial fees training – news story 11 September 2014

Provider training website – to download training module

LAT page

LAT training – to email training questions

General enquiries – email any other questions about LAT

Updates to this page

Published 2 October 2014