News story

Crime news: next steps for crime contract bidders

We will shortly be inviting organisations whose 2022 Standard Crime Contract bids have completed verification to provide details of their duty solicitors.

Exterior of police station with traditional blue lamp

Organisations which have completed verification will shortly be contacted about duty solicitor work.

We will be asking these organisations from mid-May to provide details of their duty solicitors for the duty schemes they applied to cover from 1 October 2022.

Closure of verification window

This follows the closure of the window to submit compliant verification information in order to join the October 2022 duty scheme rotas. This was on 27 March 2022 at 11.59pm.

We have now processed the verification information submitted and contacted applicants whose information was not compliant. We have also provided them with the opportunity to correct their information.

Verification issues

Where applicants have not verified their bids, we will continue working with them to try and complete their verification in time to join the January 2023 duty scheme rotas

Where this is not possible, we will work with organisations to deliver own-client work from the start of the 2022 Standard Crime Contract on 1 October 2022.

Subject to verification, it may then be possible for those applicants to be eligible to join the April 2023 duty scheme rotas.

Further information

Crime contract 2022 tender

Standard Crime Contract 2022

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Published 11 May 2022