Crime news: pre-charge bail changes to speed up provider billing
We are making changes from 1 July 2023 to the 2022 Standard Crime Contract which will allow providers to bill for pre-charge bail matters before the case ends.

Person working on a mobile phone and laptop computer.
Providers are now able to submit bills for pre-charge bail matters after one month of the initial attendance instead of waiting until the case ends.
Contract and guidance changes
Amendments have been made to the 2022 Standard Crime Contract to make these changes possible from 1 July 2023
The relevant section can be found under paragraph 9.104 of the crime contract specification.
We have also updated the guidance for Contracted Work and Administration (CWA).
Making a claim
Providers should bill these attendances via CWA. Details of the codes to use are detailed on the CWA guidance page.
Additional costs
Some providers may also need to bill additional costs for work after submission of the police station attendance claim. These additional costs should be billed using the existing claim amendment process.
Further information
Standard Crime Contract 2022 – paragraph 9.104 of specification
CWA codes guidance – see ‘guidance for reporting crime lower work’ (first attachment)
Submit a contracted work and administration (CWA) claim online – for claim amendment form and guidance
Legal aid guidance – the criminal bills assessment manual will be updated in due course