Crime news: supplemental crime duty contract notification
Organisations notified if they have been successful in bidding for supplemental Crime Duty Provider Contracts in Devon and Cornwall 1.

Organisations who have bid for supplemental Crime Duty Provider Contracts in Devon (Devon and Cornwall 1 procurement area) will find out the result of their application today (Monday 2 November 2015).
The Legal Aid Agency (LAA) will send notification to all bidders through the relevant message boards in the eTendering system.
The decisions follow a careful and rigorous assessment of all of the tender bids.
Each successful applicant organisation will receive a notification stating the outcome of their bid(s) and explaining what the successful organisation needs to do next. Successful bidders can request a detailed breakdown of their tender assessment outcome through the eTendering message board.
Unsuccessful organisations will receive a full breakdown of their score, rank and reason for assessment for each unsuccessful bid.
All successful organisations will be asked to confirm their intention to accept the contract through the eTendering message board by 11.59pm on 9 November 2015. The LAA anticipates entering into contracts in the week starting 16 November 2015.
Successful organisations will receive a further letter once they confirm their intention to accept the Duty Provider Contract. This letter will set out how their bid will be verified and the subsequent process for contract execution. The verification activity is also set out in Section 6 of the Information for Applicants (IFA), which was published when the tender was launched.
If a successful firm declines its contract offer, fails to confirm it wishes to accept the Duty Provider Contract by the deadline, or fails the verification activity, LAA may choose to offer the contract to the next ranked organisation in the relevant access point. This means a firm that has not been offered a contract today, may be offered one at a later stage. LAA will contact firms if these circumstances occur.