News story

Crime news: train online before eForms become mandatory on 4 July

Online training sessions will bring you up to speed with benefits of using CRM14 eForms before they become mandatory on 4 July 2016.

Paper CRM14 forms can no longer be used for criminal legal aid applications from 4 July 2016 and eForms will have to be used instead.

The success of eForms is shown by the fact that more than 90% of applications are already being made this way instead of the paper alternative.

If you have yet to make the switch to eForms you can learn all about the benefits they offer by taking advantage of online training sessions.

WebEx online training

These free WebEx training sessions begin in June 2016 and include:

  • eForms portal tour
  • introduction to CRM14 and post submission evidence form
  • guide to using offline CRM14 eForm
  • how to monitor progress of your applications
  • summary of eForm enhancements still to be made

A member of the crime change programme will be on hand during the training sessions to demonstrate the online application and answer your questions.

How do I book?

Use the Eventbrite link to make your booking for one of the weekly training events – see below. What if I cannot make a training session?

There is a range of resources to help you on the crime eForm page – see below.

Further information

WebEx training sessions – Eventbrite booking link

Legalaid: crime eForm – training videos, quick guides, frequently asked questions, supporting pro-formas, eForms court list and to download ‘applicant declaration form’

Updates to this page

Published 24 May 2016