CRM7 replacement service launch
The new ’Claim a non-standard magistrates’ court payment’ service has been launched

eForm services are ending October 2024.
The replacement service for CRM7 is being launched in September 2024. All providers will receive email confirmation, in due course, to confirm when they have been onboarded to the replacement service for CRM7 eForms. These services are available on LAA Online Portal (
For more information, please see Digital developments for criminal legal aid: replacing eForms - GOV.UK (
Providers should begin using the new replacement service, once they have been onboarded.
An email notification will be sent to providers to confirm when they have been onboarded and should start to use the new service. Providers will not be able to submit new applications or claims using eForms after the 4th October.
Please note that the CRM7 replacement service supports digital upload of evidence only, should providers have paper evidence they want to submit, they must do so through the paper version of CRM7.