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Crown Commercial Service sign pricing agreement with Huddle

The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) has signed a preferential public sector pricing agreement with Huddle for secure cloud collaboration tools.

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The agreement for cloud collaboration tools will help teams securely share files, manage projects and collaborate on content, projects and programmes of work.

With UK data centres to protect the sovereignty of organisations’ data, and the ability for users to maintain a full and transparent audit trail of all activities, Huddle provides a secure platform for managing information that is rated as OFFICIAL under the Government Security Classification Policy.

The technology is already used in many central and local government organisations, as well as other public sector bodies, including the NHS and a variety of arm’s length bodies and charitable organisations.

Huddle’s public sector-specific pricing is available to all public sector bodies that purchase through G-Cloud on the Digital Marketplace

Sarah Hurrell, Commercial Director, Technology said: “The preferential pricing scheme we have introduced with Huddle will improve the way technology is bought across government and the public sector, and will contribute to increased savings to the public purse”.

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Published 12 November 2015