Press release

Cuadrilla apply for environmental permits for Preston New Road site

Public consultation open until 8 July

Cuadrilla Bowland Ltd has applied to the Environment Agency for relevant permits for their Preston New Road exploratory shale gas site at Little Plumpton, Lancashire. As part of this exploration the company plans to carry out hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in 2015 to investigate the potential for shale gas.

The Environment Agency is seeking views from the local community and interested groups on the applications. The consultation will run until Tuesday 8 July 2014. The application documents have been placed online for people to view and provide comments.

Steve Molyneux, Environment Manager at the Environment Agency, said:

Our regulatory controls for onshore oil and gas are in place to protect people and the environment. We will assess the company’s proposals to ensure they meet our strict requirements. As part of our assessment, we welcome comments from the public and interested groups on local environmental factors that may be important.

There will also be an information session for the public at Wesham Community Centre, Church Road, Wesham, between 2.30pm and 7.30pm, on Monday 23 June to explain the Environment Agency’s role in onshore oil and gas regulation.

People can also comment on the proposals by emailing: or writing to:

P&SC – EP Team,
Quadrant 2,
99 Parkway Avenue,
S9 4WF

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Published 11 June 2014