Cutting the car's carbon footprint
£10 million funding for research projects will answer fundamental questions in developing low carbon vehicles.

A £10 million research grant has been allocated to address fundamental research questions in developing low carbon vehicles and help ensure the UK remains a world leader in advanced manufacturing.
The three projects will cover scientific and engineering issues related to:
- The design of more efficient vehicles, through hybrid electric vehicles subsystems.
- Using recycled and recyclable materials for manufacturing vehicles, reducing their environmental footprint.
- Optimising the performance of electric motors and power electronics.
Business Minister Mark Prisk made the announcement at the opening of a new exhibition at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) to showcase UK manufactured low carbon vehicles. He said;
“The Coalition Government is absolutely committed to low carbon growth, tackling climate change and making our energy supply more secure and this exhibition highlights UK success as advanced manufacturers of low carbon vehicles”.
The successful projects will be based at Loughborough, Brunel and Warwick Universities. The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) is providing the funding of £10 million.
EPSRC and the Technology Strategy Board are working together to support businesses by ensuring that emerging science is pulled through the innovation chain to market.
Universities and Science Minister David Willetts said:
“Our world class science and research base is critical to promoting economic growth in emerging technologies, including low carbon vehicles.
“We have protected the science and research budget for the next four years. This will boost employment and instil the confidence of other investors. But, above all, it will improve people’s quality of life by pushing at the frontiers of our knowledge.”
The Low Carbon vehicle exhibition
The exhibition at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) to showcase UK manufactured low carbon vehicles. It is the sixth in a rolling series held at BIS to promote UK manufacturing excellence to businesses and Government officials who visit the department and the conference centre. It will run until March 25.
Exhibits include:
Hydrogen fuel cell taxi produced by Intelligent Energy
Range Rover Range_e
Nissan Leaf
Ford Transit Connect EV
Toyota Auris
Lotus Ranger Extender Engine
Electric car battery made by Axeon
The MAHLE advanced downsizing demonstrator engine
Pod Point recharging points
Audio visual display of Leyland Truck’s DAF LF Hybrid truck