Cygnet sale resolves CMA concerns over mental health merger
Cygnet Health Care Limited has sold one of its hospitals to Elysium Healthcare to resolve CMA concerns over its recent mental health merger.

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) ordered the company to sell one of four hospitals earlier this year, following its in depth (phase 2) investigation into the merger between Cygnet Health Care Limited and the adult services division of Cambian Group plc.
The CMA found that the merger could result in a substantial lessening of competition in the East Midlands where the companies would be the largest provider of male mental health rehabilitation services.
The sale of The Limes, previously run by CAS Behavioural Health Limited, to Elysium Healthcare was approved by the CMA and the merger investigation has now been closed.
All information relating to this investigation is available on the Cygnet Health Care/Cambian adult services division merger inquiry case page.