Data governance panel formed to improve use of court and tribunals data
A senior data governance panel will provide independent expert advice on the use of justice data across courts and tribunals.

From January 2023, a senior data governance panel has been formed. This represents a commitment by the Lord Chancellor, Lord Chief Justice, and Senior President of the Tribunals to maximise the benefits in the use of data created in the justice system of England and Wales.
About the senior data governance panel
The panel will offer independent expert advice and guidance on issues referred to it by HMCTS, the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) and the Judiciary.
Its role is to advise and give guidance on the access to and use of court and tribunals data, focussing on 4 main principles:
- open justice
- independence of the judiciary
- rule of law
- maintaining public confidence in the justice system
It will enable the Judiciary, HMCTS, and MOJ to make the best possible use of data to improve public services. It will support the development of data in the wider justice system, increasing transparency and encouraging innovation throughout government and beyond.
The panel will be made up of:
- 5 senior officials of HMCTS and MOJ, including a co-Chair
- 5 senior judges, including a co-Chair
- at least 5 independent experts
The panel aims to attract experts in open data, social research and emerging technologies such as machine learning. It also welcomes those familiar with the ‘LawTech’ sector and those with experience of exploring the effect of justice on socially or economically disadvantaged groups.
On 22 March 2023, the independent panel members were appointed. They are:
- Dr Elizabeth Stanko
- Professor Mimi Zou
- Steve Wood
- Fraser Matcham
- Quintus Travis
- Dr Natalie Byrom
- Fiona Rutherford
- Professor Rebecca Williams (from 1 January 2024)
More information
Find more information about how the panel’s independent expert members are recruited.
If you want to know more about the panel, email its secretariat team.