David Mundell visits Arbroath and Dundee
Secretary of State for Scotland David Mundell was in Arbroath and Dundee on Friday 8 June to discuss Brexit and the Tay Cities Deal.

David Mundell at RR Spinks
On his visit to the region on Friday [8 June] Mr Mundell:
Visited Arbroath smokehouse RR Spink & Sons to discuss the opportunities for the sector brought by Brexit.
Met representatives of the University of Dundee and Abertay University to hear details of bids being made as part of the Tay Cities Deal. These projects would boost Dundee’s strengths in biomedical sciences, forensic science and cybersecurity.
Visited Tayside Aviation, a potential partner in the Tay Cities Deal.
Mundell said:
I took the opportunity of visiting RR Spink to discuss the challenges and opportunities of EU exit for their business – as well as sampling their delicious hot and cold smoked trout and salmon.
We are making good progress on the Tay Cities City Region Deal, which has the potential to transform the region’s economy, boosting growth, creating jobs and increasing prosperity. I was pleased to have the opportunity of discussing the details further with partners.
Mr Mundell met a number City Deal partners, including representatives of Dundee and Abertay Universities and NHS Tayside. He also visited Tayside Aviation, another potential partner in the City Deal.
UK City Region Deals are a UK Government initiative, delivered in partnership with the Scottish Government, local authorities and other partners. The Tay Cities Deal was given the green light in the 2016 Autumn Statement, and reaffirmed in the 2017 March Budget. The UK Government and Scottish Government and currently discussing the detailed proposals from the Tay Cities