Decommissioning Programme takes centre stage at NDA Stakeholder Summit
Around £20 million saved under LLW Repository Ltd's accelerated schedule, and not a single Lost Time Accident.

Volunteer Chris McKeown, of UK Government Investments, is dressed in an air fed suit by Steve Wood, from the Decommissioning team.
LLWR got ‘suited and booted’ at the annual NDA Stakeholder Summit to highlight the success of its flagship Decommissioning Programme.
The organisation is on the verge of completing the planned 10 year legacy Plutonium Contaminated Material (PCM) Programme to decommission five radioactive chambers, or magazines, on its Site in Cumbria in just over six years, under an accelerated schedule, saving the UK taxpayer around £20 million in the process.
To illustrate working conditions in air fed suits, which were worn by operatives in areas of greatest contamination, a volunteer was dressed in one of the single use suits during a plenary session of the summit in Anglesey, in front of an enthralled audience, who were treated to close ups of the action via a live video feed.
Paul Pointon, Managing Director of LLW Repository Ltd, also debuted a short film illustrating the success of the PCM Programme.
He said: “We are immensely proud of our achievement in completing the Programme, so we were delighted to be given the opportunity to showcase it at the Summit.
“In addition to the major savings made under the Programme, completion marks a long standing commitment made to our local community to remove all PCM from the Site and decommission the facilities, and our stringent commitment to safety meant not a single Lost Time Accident was suffered in more than 400,000 man hours of physical work.”