Defra extends Consumer Council for Water appointments
Robert Light, Alison Austin and Robert Wilson have had their first terms on the Consumer Council for Water Board extended.

Environment Secretary George Eustice has extended the first term of the Chair of Consumer Council for Water (CCW), Robert Light, by 18 months. This follows his initial appointment in 2019. Robert’s first term will now run until 5 December 2023.
The first terms of two Board Members of the CCW, Alison Austin and Robert Wilson, have also been extended by 18 months. This follows their initial appointments in 2018. Alison and Robert’s first terms will now run until 30 December 2023.
The extensions have been made in accordance with the Ministerial Governance Code on Public Appointments.
The Consumer Council for Water is the independent, statutory body that represents all water and sewerage consumers across England and Wales. Its work includes providing advice and information on water matters and investigating complaints if water customers have tried and failed to resolve issues with their water companies and retailers.