Press release

Delivering homes for hardworking people

Housing Minister welcomes figures showing a rise in number of homes built.

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government
Building site

Housing Minister Brandon Lewis today (20 August 2015) welcomed new figures showing a rise in the number of homes being delivered as proof that the government is keeping the country building and delivering the homes that hard-working people need.

The latest housebuilding figures show that there were over 131,000 completions in the last 12 months, 15% higher than in the previous 12 months and at their highest annual total since June 2009.

Housing Minister Brandon Lewis said:

Our One Nation government has got the country building again with today’s figures showing that 131,060 extra homes have been built in the past year. This has provided a real boost to the UK’s construction industry and is delivering the homes that hard-working people rightly deserve.

However, we know there is more to do. That is why we have outlined plans to deliver 275,000 affordable homes by the end of this Parliament – the fastest rate of building for 20 years.

We’re also determined to support those who aspire to own their own home, which is why we’re making up to £10 million available to bring forward brownfield sites to build new Starter Homes which will be available to young first-time buyers at a 20% discount.

Housebuilding is at the heart of the government’s long-term economic plan.

Latest figures from the Office of National Statistics have shown that output in the construction industry increased by 2.7% in June compared to the same month last year. Work on private new housing between April and June rose by nearly 3.9% on the previous quarter.

The government has also given local people the powers they need to drive forward housing development with the number of homes in locally led plans up by a quarter.

Before March 2012 the average number of homes planned for by local authorities stood at 573 per year. But radical reforms put Local Plans and housing delivery at the heart of the planning system.

This has helped expand the housing pipeline with those Local Plans published after the reforms containing on average 717 homes per year.

The government is also helping hard-working people achieve their dream of home ownership with more than 200,000 households helped to buy property through government-backed schemes since 2010.

Further information

Read the full statistical report.

Below are the local authorities with the highest change in completion levels:

  • Southampton, completions increased by 166% from 495 in the year to June 2014 to 1,316 in the year to June 2015
  • Southwark, completions increased by 178% from 439 in the year to June 2014 to 1,219 in the year to June 2015
  • Northumberland, completions increased by 125% from 552 in the year to June 2014 to 1,244 in the year to June 2015
  • Manchester, completions increased by 138% from 415 in the year to June 2014 to 986 in the year to June 2015
  • Sunderland, completions increased by 111% from 478 in the year to June 2014 to 1,010 in the year to June 2015

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Published 20 August 2015