News story

Developing a national framework for commissioning HIV, sexual and reproductive health services

The framework will provide local government, NHS England and clinical commissioning groups advice and examples of how to commission services.

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Public Health England (PHE), in conjunction with partner agencies, is developing a national framework for commissioning HIV, sexual and reproductive health services.

This framework will provide local government, NHS England and clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) with practical advice and examples of existing and emerging practice to support the commissioning of services that effectively meet the needs of patients and populations.

HIV, sexual and reproductive health service commissioning has undergone significant change, with the ambition of securing better outcomes, locally relevant responses and increased service equity. This transition in arrangements, including the split of responsibilities between NHS England, local authorities and CCGs, is bringing new challenges as well as new opportunities.

In order to address these challenges, and ensure that the opportunities the new arrangements present can be maximised to improve patient outcomes, meticulous partnership working will be required to maintain and develop high quality services, delivered via seamless, integrated care pathways; and ensure the efficient use of available resources.

To support this, PHE is developing a national framework, with practical and relevant tools, to facilitate integrated HIV, sexual and reproductive health commissioning. This work is supported by

  • NHS England
  • Local Government Association
  • Association of Directors of Public Health
  • Department of Health

MEDFASH has been appointed by PHE to undertake this vital piece of work. MEDFASH has a track record of managing major national projects to inform policy development and to provide practical guidance for professionals.

The National Framework for Commissioning HIV, Sexual and Reproductive Health Services

Working with, and drawing on the knowledge of practitioners, with input from service user representatives, the National Framework will:

  • provide an evidence base for a whole system approach
  • describe working relationships between Local Government, NHS England and CCGs that will deliver a whole-system approach that meets the needs of local populations
  • illustrate models of existing and emerging practice in the commissioning of HIV, sexual and reproductive health as a coherent whole system to deliver best outcomes for individuals and populations
  • demonstrate how new ways of working can support continued modernisation and integration, including examples of coordinated responses linking with other local authority services
  • produce relevant and practical tools to deliver a whole system approach to HIV, sexual and reproductive health that are flexible and adaptable to meet local needs


MEDFASH was appointed in January 2014 to undertake this work on behalf of PHE. A draft document will be available for comment and feedback from April 2014. The final resource will be available in early summer.

Contact details

For more information on the project and about consultation events please contact:

Updates to this page

Published 20 January 2014
Last updated 12 March 2014 show all updates
  1. The heading and second paragraph of the timeline section was updated.

  2. First published.