Devon carer's sentence increased to 15 years for sex attack on elderly patients
The Court of Appeal has increased a 10 year sentence to 15 years for a care worker who sexually attacked three elderly residents in her care

Christina Sethi from Torquay was employed as a carer in a residential home who filmed herself sexually abusing three elderly, vulnerable and mentally impaired residents, and shared it with her boyfriend. She was convicted in August this year of 5 counts of sexual assault and jailed for 10 years imprisonment.
The case was referred to the Court of Appeal by Solicitor General Robert Buckland QC MP, who today said:
I asked the Court of Appeal to look at this 10 year sentence under the unduly lenient sentence scheme because multiple sexual offences were committed against three victims. The attacks themselves involved a degree of planning and premeditation and Sethi had no regard to the vulnerability of her victims who she should have being caring for.
I hope the increase in the custodial sentence to 15 years offers a degree of reassurance to the families of the victims. Care home residents and their families should have complete peace of mind that that they will not be abused and I offer those involved in this case my sincerest sympathy for the pain and suffering they have endured due to the actions of this despicable woman.