DFID Director General for Country Programmes visits Ghana
DFID's Director General for Country Programmes Joy Hutcheon paid a two-day visit to Ghana on 17th and 18th April 2013.

Joy Hutcheon's visit to Ghana
The purpose of this visit was to review the progress of DFID Ghana’s Operational Plan, and to discuss the priorities for the UK Government’s assistance to Ghana.
As part of her programme she paid a courtesy call on His Excellency the Vice President of the Republic of Ghana, Paa Kwesi Amissah-Arthur. She also held discussions with key stakeholders from civil society, academia, think-tanks, private sector and the financial sector on a range of issues of common interest including Ghana’s challenges and future prospects, and improving the opportunities for women and girls.
Ms Hutcheon left Ghana assured of her impressive development and democratic progress, and the results that UK assistance is helping to achieve.