DFID research: ESPA Announces 2012 Grants
ESPA Programme Executive Board invites Expressions of Interest to attend a Grant Development Workshop near London on 2–4 July 2012.

The Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) Programme Executive Board invites Expressions of Interest to attend a Grant Development Workshop near London on 2-4 July 2012. This is the first stage in an application process for major ESPA projects which will be followed by outline proposals and full proposals.
This Announcement of Opportunity is for empirical ESPA projects where original in situ research will lead to a significantly increased understanding of ways to enhance the benefits that poor people in low-income countries will derive from multiple ecosystem services. ESPA projects will be required to deliver research excellence with impact.
The ESPA programme aims to deliver cutting-edge research that will improve our understanding of how to manage ecosystems and their services so that they deliver more for poverty reduction and inclusive growth processes. ESPA will bring together researchers from the physical, natural and social sciences in interdisciplinary teams across the world to provide evidence and tools to enable decision makers and end users to manage ecosystems sustainably and in ways that contribute to poverty reduction.
Projects will generate new data and knowledge from integrated studies of a wide range of ecosystem services. This call is specifically focussed on how ecosystems and their services in multi-functional landscapes can better support enhanced multidimensional well-being of poor people in low-income countries.
For applications forms and further information visit the ESPA website.