DFID research: Growth Research News: Spread the Word
E-newsletter provides a useful portal to a broad spectrum of information collated from DFID supported programmes.

Economic growth is responsible for up to 80% of poverty reduction, but we don’t know enough about how best to stimulate growth in the poorest countries. DFID has an ambitious and growing portfolio of research on growth and a recent quarterly newsletter focused on economic sustainability and growth pulls together its most recent findings.
Edited by DFID’s Chief Economist Stefan Dercon, Growth Research News provides a useful portal to a broad spectrum of information collated from DFID supported programmes and provides an up-to-date summary of current developments in global economic research, including listings of calls for proposals and funding opportunities. DFID’s research portfolio is critical to informing the organisation’s 18 country programmes which aim to improve incomes and increase productivity. “Productive work provides the crucial channel through which poor people translate economic growth into improved living standards and reduced poverty”, says Dercon.
The first issue, published in September 2011, highlighted the significance of projects supported by DFID, such as the Africa Community Access Programme (AFCAP) and Improving Institutions for pro-poor Growth (iiG), in assisting growth in Africa through improving governance and developing training programmes. It also outlined the different studies being undertaken under the DFID-supported programmes at the UN University’s World Institute of Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER).
The March issue, in 2012, focused on DFID’s partnership with the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) which was established towards the end of 2011. Reporting on the DFID/IZA programme’s launch workshop in January 2012, the newsletter outlined the key themes which emerged during the lectures and how the research agenda was formulated. With a strong focus on research in LICs, the March newsletter provided information on, and links to, evidence produced from recent research initiatives on growth and labour markets. July’s issue looks specifically at gender and income inequality, presenting current research into growth strategies which combat this.
Designed as a tool for keeping up to date with developments and new research, Growth Research News offers:
- Up-to-date research findings from a host of DFID supported programmes and associates
- Links to papers from a range of institutions such as the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), the International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
- Access to databases and source material provided by organisations such as the IMF and The World Bank
- Information on new publications and literature reviews
- News on funding opportunities and calls for proposals
Reflecting the importance of economic growth as a tool to combat poverty (next year’s World Development Report will focus on employment), Growth Research News provides the ideal means of accessing significant publications, proposals and evidence while offering an informed and engaging overview of developments in the field.
Growth Research News encourages dialogue, welcoming comments and feedback from readers, including ideas on potential opportunities for further DFID involvement in growth research.If you would like to subscribe to the newsletter please email dfidgrowthresearch@dfid.gov.uk.