DFID research: Joint Global Health Trials Scheme: Launch of the third call for proposals
DFID, MRC and the Wellcome Trust have recently announced nine new projects funded under the Joint Global Health Trials scheme.

The Department for International Development (DFID), Medical Research Council (MRC) and the Wellcome Trust have recently announced nine new projects funded under the Joint Global Health Trials scheme.
DFID, MRC and the Wellcome Trust each have a strong history of supporting research that aims to improve health in low and middle income countries. The three partner agencies share the view that in order to have maximum impact on health they need to work together to provide evidence of the best interventions and tools. Pooling resources will bring the necessary funds and experience together to achieve implementable results.
The large-scale late phase clinical trials focus on interventions that will contribute to the improvement of health research and £12 million has been committed to this launch of the third call for proposals to the Joint Global Health Trials scheme.
Proposals are invited from academic groups, based either in the countries where the studies will take place or in the UK, to submit plans for interventions that will contribute to improving health in low- and middle-income countries by addressing the major causes of mortality or morbidity.
The scope of the scheme encompasses but is not limited to behavioural interventions, complex interventions, disease management, drugs, vaccines, hygiene and diagnostic strategies. This scheme is focused on late-stage (phase III/IV) efficacy and effectiveness trials.
Outline applications are now being accepted and the deadline for submission is 16:00 BST 11th September 2012.
For more information on the key issues that proposals should address, details of the funding on offer and application and eligibility criteria, please visit http://www.mrc.ac.uk/jointghtrials or email jointglobalhealthtrials@headoffice.mrc.ac.uk