Digital strategy for justice
Today the Ministry of Justice launched a digital strategy that will transform the way we deliver our services.

Today the Ministry of Justice launched a digital strategy that will transform the way we deliver our services.
The strategy, that will help us deliver digital services that are easier to use and better value for users and the Government, is a major step towards becoming digital by default.
It will enable us to design our services around the needs of users - whether that’s providing victims with more information about their case, allowing individuals and businesses to file claims more easily, or providing tools to help rehabilitate offenders.
The strategy outlines our programme of digital transformation and identifies 20 actions grouped under four themes that will change the way we do business and help deliver a justice system that is more effective, less costly and more responsive for the public.
The four themes are:
- Transforming our services
- Transforming the way we work
- Breaking barriers to digital transformation
- Transforming the way we engage
The Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State, Chris Grayling said:
“What we’re doing at the Ministry of Justice is really setting the digital by default approach at the heart of what we do.”
To ensure the Civil Service can deliver public services more cheaply and effectively, the Government has embraced a ‘digital by default’ agenda, set out in the Government Digital Strategy and Civil Service Reform Plan.