DIO supports further renovation of RAF Lakenheath
Work is about to begin at RAF Lakenheath to renovate the United States Visiting Forces (USVF) security forces facilities as part of an ongoing programme of improvements to the base.

This project is the first of a wider programme to upgrade various support facilities on the base in order to accommodate the arrival of approximately 1200 additional personnel now expected on the base as part of the arrival of 2 new F35 squadrons in 2021.
DIO recently awarded a contract worth almost £4.3-million to Henry Brothers to deliver critical upgrades to key buildings on the base.
Construction will officially begin in the coming weeks. This initial project is a USVF requirement to repair and renovate the existing office building to provide a state of the art Security Forces Operational Facility including a Day Armory, Guard Mount, and associated support, command and administration offices.
The use of existing infrastructure will reduce waste and ensure the project is as cost effective as possible.
The building work is scheduled to be completed by summer 2020 and occupies 2,200m2 over 3 floors, the equivalent of approximately 10 tennis courts.
The re-design includes disabled access to each floor via the provision of a new lift to assist wounded or disabled military and civilian staff.
DIO Project Manager, Ken Withers, explained:
This is a really important project which will create a more efficient and effective security operation for the base.
We are using highly advanced technology in the build and re-using existing infrastructure where possible. This means that the project is not only technically advanced but remains cost effective with a reduced carbon footprint.
Lt. Col. Kevin Eberhart, 48 Security Forces Squadron commander, commented:
Improving the work environment for our military and civilian personnel is also about ensuring we are ready to execute the mission and meet future demands.
This centralized facility will do just that and will help strengthen collaborative relationships within the squadron. As we work to modernize facilities for our Defenders, we appreciate the working relationship we have with our partners.
Henry Brothers Managing Director, David Henry, added:
We are delighted to be continuing our relationship with DIO and the USVF at RAF Lakenheath with another project award. We recognise the importance of the programme to support base facilities and we look forward to delivering this phase of works, which on completion will provide a state-of-the-art Security Operations Facility.
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