World news story

'Diplomat for a day' 2025 in Brussels: enter our competition

The British, Australian and Canadian embassies in Belgium invite female Belgian high-school students, aged 16 to 19, to enter a competition to be a diplomat for a day.

Diplomat for a day 2025

Diplomat for a day

The ‘diplomat for a day’ competition is a joint initiative by the British, Australian and Canadian embassies in Belgium. It aims to encourage young women and girls to become leaders and advocates for change, including through mentorship opportunities.

If you win the competition you will be invited to spend a day at the 4 embassies in Brussels on 10 March, shadowing senior leaders and learning about the work of a diplomat. You will also be able to take part in a discussion with business and civil society on the importance of gender equality. The embassies will cover travel and accommodation costs in Brussels.

Why you should enter this competition

Women and girls represent half of the world’s population and therefore also half of its potential. Today there are too few women in international diplomacy, including women from under-represented backgrounds, whether ethnic, religious, economic, cultural, or personal identity, among others. Women are not represented at parity in political and business sectors.

To end this underrepresentation, we must ensure equality of opportunity and equitable outcomes for everyone. This is why we, Australia, Canada, and the UK are working towards gender equality around the world.

Who can enter

You can enter this competition if you:

  • are a Belgian citizen (or a Belgian dual national), and a Belgian resident
  • identify as a girl or woman
  • are enrolled in high school
  • are between 16 and 19 years old, or turn 16 in 2025

How to enter

To enter, you must answer the following question:

Why do you think equal rights are important and what actions would you carry out, or have already carried out in order to achieve and/or promote equal rights?

You must also fill in the Diplomat for a day application form 2025 (ODT, 7.64 KB) and email it to

Apply for the competition by emailing your completed application form and your video or essay by 31 January 2025.

You should also read the Terms and Conditions Diplomat for a Day (ODT, 11.8 KB) before you enter.

Your video or essay can be in Dutch, English, French or German. However, we encourage you to submit your video or essay in English, as communication during diplomat for a day will largely be in English.


The timetable for the competition is:

  • competition opens: 6 January 2025
  • deadline for applications: 31 January 2025
  • winners contacted: 17 February 2025
  • winners announced: to be confirmed
  • winners to shadow at the Australian, British, and Canadian embassies: 10 March 2025

Tips for the application

  • be specific: Highlight concrete actions you have taken, no matter how small, or clear plans you have for promoting equal rights and connect your response to your future ambitions or past experiences
  • stick to the limits: Ensure your video does not exceed 2 minutes or your letter 300 words
  • be clear: Use concise and impactful language in your writing or speech
  • show your motivation: Clearly articulate why equal rights matter to you and what drives your passion
  • languages: While we encourage applications in English, submissions in the national languages are also welcome

Updates to this page

Published 13 December 2024
Last updated 3 February 2025 show all updates
  1. Terms and Conditions - new document (adapted 2 clauses)

  2. First published.