Do you have what it takes to help reduce flood risk across Wessex?
The Environment Agency it is looking for an enthusiastic person to get involved in managing flood risk in Wessex.

The Wessex Regional Flood and Coastal Committee is one of 12 Committees across the country that make key decisions on local priorities for flood and coastal risk management.
A vacancy has arisen for a talented and enthusiastic individual to join this important committee to represent coastal process or general interests. Applicants do not need to be experts in flood and coastal risk management, but some technical understanding would be beneficial.
Nick Gupta, Wessex Area Manager said:
We are keen to hear from people who have a real passion to make a positive difference to communities, the environment and the local economy in the face of the challenge of our changing climate. We would particularly like to hear from young people and those from ethnically diverse backgrounds. Also, someone with an interest in Dorset’s Jurassic Coast would be welcome.
The committee meets 4 times a year at locations within the Wessex Area although the successful candidate may also be asked to attend additional meetings. The role is unpaid, but reasonable expenses, including travel, can be claimed.
Hard copies of both the supporting materials and application form are available on request from Hannah Ovett on 020 30 250180 or
The closing date for applications is 22 January 2016.