Dounreay supplier day looks at clean-up opportunities
Dounreay's latest supplier information day, hosted jointly with companies appointed to its decommissioning services framework, has proved popular with companies from around the UK.

Dounreay's supplier day looks at decommissioning opportunities
Around 200 people packed into a venue in Wick, Caithness to hear about plans for future work to decommission the site. Firms of all sizes from the local area and beyond represented a number of industries ranging from engineering, construction and demolition firms to support services.
Jane Mackenzie, Head of Commercial Services, said:
Earlier this year we awarded framework contracts and, in partnership with the successful organisations, we wanted to talk to the wider supply chain about the opportunities that will now exist to support and assist them deliver their commitments. The decommissioning of Dounreay is a complex programme and no single company has all the right skills and capabilities, so that enables others to play their part and help us deliver our mission.
The framework contracts, potentially worth up to £400 million, are due to last up to 4 years with the possibility of extensions of up to an additional 3 years. Lead organisations appointed included AECOM E&C UK, Dounreay Decommissioning Framework Alliance, Dounreay Wood Alliance, Jacobs UK, Nuclear Decommissioning Ltd and Nuvia.
The first contract to be awarded under the framework arrangement is due to be announced later in the year, supporting preparations to decommission the site’s shaft and silo facilities.
Watch highlights from the event:
Supply chain day September 2019
Once the UK’s centre of fast reactor research, Dounreay is now aiming to be recognised globally for decommissioning excellence. The work is being delivered on behalf of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority by Dounreay Site Restoration Limited, a company owned by Cavendish Dounreay Partnership.