Press release

Dover traffic to get revised speed limit boost

The national speed limit will be reinstated on the A20 dual carriageway near Dover Highways England announced today (Friday 30 September).

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New signs on the coastbound carriageway will switch from the national speed limit to 40mph during Dover TAP, the scheme which cuts congestion by limiting the number of vehicles through the town at busy periods at the port.

This will reinstate, at quieter times, the national speed limit along the A20 which was reduced to 40mph in April 2015, as part of Dover TAP.

Highways England regional safety coordinator Colin Gardner said:

Dover TAP has been successfully reducing the congestion on the A20 through the town at busy times.

We are installing signs on the coastbound A20 that will allow us to change the speed limit when Dover TAP is in operation to improve journey times and reliability.

Dover TAP has been used by the Port of Dover almost 200 times since its introduction.

Tim Waggott, Chief Executive, stated:

This is fantastic news - a major milestone in the enhancement of Dover’s road network, including the Port’s own significant contributions through its buffer zone investment and junction improvements to the A20 to support local regeneration and connectivity. These investments will all help keep Dover town moving while 17 per cent of the UK’s international trade moves through the Port, serving British businesses and consumers.

We thank Highways England for their perseverance, our community stakeholders will be delighted with the delivery of the new signs. TAP has been of great benefit in supporting free moving traffic in Dover at busy times, and we look forward to this valuable system being improved.

During Dover TAP, a 40mph speed limit will be in place between the Roundhill Tunnel and Aycliffe but will revert to the national speed limit at other times. The lower speed is required due to the likelihood of queuing traffic on the A20.

Detailed designs are continuing for the new signs, which will be installed in first half of 2017.

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Published 30 September 2016