Dr. McPhail Announces £100,000 funding to support Area C
Dr. Alastair McPhail, announced £100,000 of new UK government funding for the International Peace and Cooperation Centre
British Consul General, Dr. Alastair McPhail, announced this week an additional £100,000 of UK government funding for the International Peace and Cooperation Centre (IPCC). Dr. McPhail made the announcement while visiting East Jerusalem communities to learn more about the housing problems facing Palestinians in the city.
The Consul General was briefed on the status of urban planning for Palestinians in East Jerusalem by IPCC, an organization the Consulate has supported since 2009. During his visit, the Consul General met local community representatives to hear about the housing difficulties they face.
IPCC works to increase housing security and development opportunities for Palestinian communities in Area C of the West Bank and in East Jerusalem. In East Jerusalem, IPCC has successfully halted the demolition orders of 6,400 housing units, as well as helping to create the potential development of 4,400 new residential units. IPCC has also recently announced that it has received the final approval on their local outline plan of Wadi el Nis (Area C) in Bethlehem by the Israeli Civil Administration. The announced £100,000 will allow IPCC to help two communities in Area C of the West bank.
At the end of the visit, Dr. Alastair McPhail said
The International Peace and Cooperation Centre does great work supporting communities in East Jerusalem and Area C of the West Bank. This is why I’m proud to announce today an additional £100,000 of UK funding to help IPCC carry on its good work in Area C.
At the same time, I’m concerned about the housing situation in East Jerusalem, especially in regards to house demolitions. The Palestinian character of East Jerusalem must be preserved, and the British government is determined to play its role in doing so. The residents of Jerusalem deserve a future of peace and hope, in a shared capital.