Driving instructor criminal record check changes
From 17 June 2013, the Driving Standards Agency (DSA) won’t be sent a copy of your criminal record check when you’ve applied for it.

This means that you’ll be the only person who gets a copy of the certificate.
DSA will still see an electronic record of whether your criminal record check has anything recorded on it or not, but won’t be able to see what’s actually listed on it.
Send your certificate to DSA
DSA will write to you to ask you to post your certificate if it has anything listed on it. You must send the original – you can’t send a copy. This will then be returned to you.
Your application to become an approved driving instructor, renew your registration or re-register could be delayed if you don’t send your certificate as soon as DSA asks for it.
You don’t need to send your certificate unless DSA tells you to.
Old and minor offences
The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) has announced that it will be removing certain specified old and minor offences from criminal record certificates from 29 May 2013.
The filtering rules and the list of offences that will never be filtered have been published by DBS.