News story

DSG civilians awarded for work in Afghanistan

Civilian employees working for the Defence Support Group (DSG) have received campaign medals in recognition of the front line support they provided while on deployment at Camp Bastion in Afghanistan.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Minister for Defence Equipment, Support and Technology Peter Luff presented campaign medals to 27 civilian employees working in the DSG at a ceremony at MOD Donnington.

The DSG operates the purpose-built Equipment Sustainability System Regeneration Capability Workshop in Camp Bastion under contract from the MOD’s Permanent Joint Headquarters.

The DSG team repairs equipment in-theatre, which maximises equipment availability and minimises the time that vital equipment is away from critical operations.

In its first year of operation, the project achieved a 100 per cent target output in the regeneration of urgent operational platforms, and has delivered estimated savings to date of over £72m to MOD.

Praising the recipients, Mr Luff said:

It is clear that DSG’s employees remain committed to offering their help and support where it is needed most - at the front line.

These medals not only represent the dedication to duty of those individuals receiving them, but also the essential contribution to operational success made by civilian employees.

A wholly integrated force that draws on the talents of regulars, reserves, civilians and contractors will be at the heart of the future Army.

The public quite rightly honours the members of our Armed Forces called upon to serve their country on active duty overseas.

Less well known, but equally as important to the success of these operations, is the contribution made by civilians, such as those from the DSG, who willingly volunteer to deploy alongside their military colleagues, not only spending long periods away from their homes and loved ones, but also facing some very real threats in this hostile environment.

You should all be immensely proud of your invaluable contributions.

See Related News for an in-depth article on the work of the Equipment Sustainability System Regeneration Capability Workshop in Camp Bastion published last year.

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Published 13 July 2012