Dstl announces appointment of new Non-Executive Members
Two new Non-Executive Members have been appointed to the Dstl board

Two new Non-Executive Members have been appointed to the Dstl Board: Professor Sarah Spurgeon OBE and Dr Brian Bowsher OBE.
Prof Spurgeon is Professor of Control Engineering and Head of Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at University College London. She is also President of the Engineering Professors’ Council and Immediate Past President of the Institute of Measurement and Control.
Dr Bowsher recently retired as the Chief Executive of the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) where he was appointed in 2016. Before that from 2009 to 2015, he was the managing director of the National Physical Laboratory.
Prof Spurgeon took up her role on 1 July, replacing Dame Wendy Hall who left the board in January. Dr Bowsher will begin his role on 1 September, replacing Sir David Grant, who will leave the board at the end of this year.
A Non-Executive Member of Dstl is required to attend meetings of the Board and its Sub-Committees. They assist the Chair in supporting, advising and constructively challenging the Dstl Executive as part of the Board’s role in applying scrutiny, both in the development of business strategies, plans and business cases, and in assessing the business performance of Dstl.