News story

Dstl call for weapons capability suppliers

Dstl continues to roll out its commercial framework 'R-Cloud', with its focus now on weapons.

A soldier on exercise

R-Cloud, the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory’s (Dstl) commercial framework, continues its successful roll out with calls for suppliers working within the area of weapons.

Dstl’s annual expenditure on weapons research is approximately £10 million. Dstl is now inviting weapons research organisations to become a supplier within the R-Cloud framework.

Details on how to apply, as well as gain an insight into likely contracting opportunities, are available through the Defence Contracts Online Pre-Qualification portal using the access code: 44UYDNPYZQ. The deadline for submissions is 11:00 Wednesday 25 March 2015.

Tasks placed through R-Cloud now extend across the Dstl technical areas of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN); counter terrorism and security (CT&S); command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR); and integrated survivability and platform systems.

Dstl’s R-Cloud Project Manager, Neil Higson, has been pleased with the interest generated so far:

Since our launch last summer, more than 300 individual suppliers have signed up to the R-Cloud framework and we have run 21 mini-competitions. Over the next few months we will continue to roll it out across all of Dstl’s capability areas.

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Published 23 February 2015