Press release

Duncan Selbie confirmed as Chief Executive Designate of Public Health England

Duncan Selbie has today been confirmed as the Chief Executive Designate of Public Health England.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Mr Selbie, currently Chief Executive of Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, will head up Public Health England (PHE), the new public health body that will be the expert voice for public health, when it is established in April 2013.

It will support local health services, protect the nation’s health through better-integrated working, and help the public make healthier choices.

Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said:

“I am delighted to confirm Duncan Selbie as the Chief Executive Designate of Public Health England.

“Mr Selbie’s role will be to take forward the plans to establish Public Health England and its structure and provide strategic leadership and vision for the protection and improvement of the nation’s health.

“This is an incredibly crucial position which carries significant responsibilities and I look forward to him bringing his characteristics of leadership, independence and strategic direction to the role.”

Duncan Selbie said:
“I am delighted at the opportunity I am being given.  I do not in any way underestimate the challenge this presents.  By getting this right, I believe Public Health England will make a unique and extremely positive contribution to the public’s health alongside local government and the NHS.”

The Chief Executive will be supported in his role by an independent Chair and a board with a non-executive majority.  As an executive agency, PHE will have the operational independence that it needs to build and maintain its own identity.

PHE will support the development of the public health workforce, jointly appointing local authority Directors of Public Health, supporting excellence in public health practice and providing a national voice for the profession.

Duncan Selbie will take up his post no later than 1 July 2012.

Notes to editors
1. For media enquiries please ring the Department of Health newsdesk on 0207 210 5221. 
2. Duncan Selbie has worked in the NHS since 1980.  He is currently Chief Executive at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals.  From 2003 to 2007 at the Department of Health he was the Director General of Programmes and Performance for the NHS and then subsequently Commissioning.  Prior to this he held Chief Executive roles at the South East London Strategic Health Authority and the South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust.
He recently served on the NHS Future Forum and contributed specifically to the Education and Training Working Group.  He places a great emphasis on frontline leadership by all professionals across the health and social care spectrum.
He is married with three boys and lives in south London.
3. The appointment has been made in accordance with the code for public appointments, issued by the Commissioner for Public Appointments. All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees’ political activity (if any declared) to be made public.
4. The Health Protection Agency works to protect people, prevent harm and prepare for threats. It provides an integrated approach to protecting UK public health through the provision of support and advice to the NHS, local authorities, emergency services, other Arms Length Bodies, the Department of Health and the Devolved Administrations.
5. This appointment will fall into the following pay range of £180,000 - £185,000.
6. Further information on Public Health England

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Published 5 April 2012