DVLA launches timed auction of personalised registrations
DVLA timed auction of personalised registrations starts Monday 17 June until Monday 1 July 2013. 1300 personalised registrations available with reserves from £130.

Don’t miss DVLA’s latest Timed Auction. Registrations available include A22 WEB with a reserve price of £130, DJS 3S, reserved at £400 and R24 DAM at £250.
Registering to bid is free of charge. Bidders submit a ‘maximum bid’ which are invisible to other bidders and bidding starts at the reserve price for each registration. The current bid price for each lot is on view at all times along with the number of bidders. There is no advantage to bidding at the last minute.
To submit a bid, first of all you need to register for the auction. You can register securely then place your confidential bids 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until the close of the auction. When you have placed your bid, you will have the freedom to increase your bids up until the end time.
The auction system will automatically bid on your behalf. If there is competitive bidding activity on a lot, the auction system will increase bids in £10 increments on behalf of registered bidders up to their maximum bid. The end time for each lot is always on view. For lots on which the winning bid changes in the last 30 minutes, the end time will slide by 30 minutes to allow bidding to reach its natural conclusion.
Once placed, bids cannot be cancelled or reduced.
Bids will only be accepted from 10am on Monday 17 June until the end time on Monday 1 July 2013.