EA re-opens initial consultation for Swadlincote incinerator
On 1 November 2024 the Environment Agency re-opened the initial consultation into an environmental permit application for an incinerator near Swadlincote.

- Environment Agency re-opens initial consultation on plans for proposed site in Keith Willshee Way
- Consultation to run from 1 November to 13 December 2024
- Environment Agency will consider issues around any likely impact on human health and environment
Due to the high level of public interest associated with the site, the Environment Agency is re-opening the initial public consultation. The initial public consultation, ran between 28 June 2024 and 2 September 2024.
R&P Clean Power Limited has applied for the permit to operate an incinerator on Keith Willshee Way, Swadlincote DE11 9EN. The company has also separately applied to Derbyshire County Council for planning.
The company wants to incinerate up to 230,000 tonnes of non-hazardous waste each year in an incinerator known as an Energy from Waste Facility.
The proposed facility will incinerate waste to produce energy in the form of electricity. Electricity from this process will be exported to the National Grid.
An environmental permit sets the conditions which R&P Clean Power Limited must meet when operating the proposed incinerator. It covers the management and operation of the site and the control and monitoring of emissions.
Issues that we consider in deciding on the permit are:
- Relevant environmental regulatory requirements and technical standards.
- Information on local population and sensitive sites.
- Protection of human and environmental health.
- Comments on whether the right process is being used for the activity, for example, whether the technology is appropriate.
- Pollution control and any emissions to air, land and water.
- Whether energy generated by waste incineration is recovered as much as possible.
- Handling and storage of waste.
- The impact of noise and odour from vehicle movements on site.
- Plans to deal with litter and vermin on site.
- Any permit conditions that may be needed.
The Environment Agency will consult with partner organisations, including the UK Health Security Agency, as part of the process.
Issues such as suitability of the site, operating hours and traffic management to and from it, are matters for the planning authority, not the Environment Agency.
The Environment Agency can only consider issues covered by the environmental permit and can only refuse a permit application based on technical information.
However, in order to build and operate the proposed incinerator, the company will need to be granted both planning permission and an environmental permit.
To obtain an environmental permit, the company will need to show they are putting in place the necessary measures to meet current standards to protect human health and the environment. In addition, they must explain how any risks that are identified, such as odour and emissions, are prevented or minimised, alongside producing a Fire Prevention Plan.
Once the consultation closes, the Environment Agency will review all the comments received before reaching a draft decision. R&P Clean Power Limited has the right to appeal if the permit is refused.
If the Environment Agency thinks it is likely to issue the permit, it will consult again on the draft permit and draft decision document. This means the public will be able comment again if they feel that there is additional information that we have not considered in our decision.
If you wish to make comments about the application, please do so by 13 December 2024.
You can comment by:
- Visiting our online Citizen Space web page:
- Emailing us at: PSCpublicresponse@environment-agency.gov.uk
If you need help accessing this consultation in another format please contact us by emailing: PSCpublicresponse@environment-agency.gov.uk or calling 03708 506 506.
Please use the application number LP3327SK/A001