News story

Energy and Climate Change Secretary responds to new agreement on climate change

In response to the new agreement reached by UN members to tackle climate change, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change Ed Davey said:

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

“This is an agreement that unites all nations, unlocking the door to the world’s first global climate deal in Paris next year.

“The talks were tough but the Lima Call for Climate Action shows a will and commitment to respond to the public demand to tackle climate change.

“I am proud the UK has been leading the way - by our laws on low carbon energy and climate, by successfully championing ambitious targets to cut emissions in Europe and with our central role here in Lima.

“The next 12 months will be critical and the UK’s leadership will be needed more than ever in the difficult negotiations ahead - but we have to succeed because the threat to our children’s future is so serious.”

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Published 14 December 2014